Making Marketing Easier
Touched by a Horse
Website Kits
Let’s make your website development journey joyful and easy!

Made just for your coaching business!
The TBAH Website Kit program was created to make the process of building a website for your Equine Gestalt Coaching Method website easier and simplier.
Fill-in-the-Blank Easy but still Uniquely Yours
Building a good website is the foundation of your new EGCMethod® business. It’s so important to the program, it’s a graduation requirement. We developed the Touched by a Horse Website Kits to be fill-in-the-blank easy to meet your graduation requirement and facilitate the beginning of your practice — yet offer customization possbilities powerful enought to carry you into the future.

What’s Included:
Choice of FIll-in-the-Blank Template
These templates have been designed just for EGCMethod® practices and offer content prompts you customize to your own business. Choose from 6 templates right now with more on the way!
Hands-on Help
Every Kit includes consulting time with Kim Beer — this is time you can use to get help with any bumps along your website development journey or you can use to “rent” Kim’s brain on marketing strategy!
One Full Year of Hosting
One full year of hosting already built into the price including an SSL certificate to protect your visitors data. Also included is WordPress and the award-winning Divi theme, which offers ease of use without sacrificing powerful features.
Comprehensive Website Workbook
This 36-page workbook is your roadmap to completing your website development journey in style. Includes checklists to keep your J happy and touchpoints to keep your P on task.
Online Course with Videos
Available right on your TBAH dashboard, this comprehensive self-paced online training will walk you through the entire process, help you develop your content and teach you the technical skills to use the WYSIWYG Divi template.
150+ Professional Horse Image Library
Let’s face it, horse photos can be hard to come by! Your TBAH Website Kit comes with over 150 professional equine images from Kim Beer’s extensive equine photo library. New images are added each year!
Advanced SEO Course
SEO is how your website gets found in search engines (ie, Google). Futurity Packages and up get an Advanced Training Course in their dashboard that gives them the how-to on getting their site Google-optimized.
Email Marketing
The Futurity package also includes one year of Constant Contact and additional Advanced Email Marketing training right in your dashboard! This means you’ll be ready to grow and montetize your database!
EGCM Whiteboard Explainer Video
Every template includes the wonderful EGCM Whiteboard Explainer Video developed by herdmate Jen West. This video explains quickly and in layman’s terms Gestalt, the EGCMethod, and how horses partner in our process.
Science Module
Each template also features a basic science module that shows three outcomes of the client’s experience in the research study conducted by Jaclyn and Tom Manzione. This simple module shows the effectiveness of the EGCMethod from a scientific perspective.
The Hard Stuff Done for You
Last, but definitely not least, we will do all the “hard stuff” for you — like make sure your email optin form is connected to Constant Contact, set up your SSL, install your plugins, and set up the DNS for your domain. If all that sounds too geek, you’ll really appreciate it that it’s done for you.
An group made to accelerate your website success!
Meets on Tuesdays at 8:30-9:30 am MTN.

Mobile Ready!
Did you know over 50% of website visitors now come from mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets? And that number grows every day! Divi theme and builder offer you the ability to fine tune your website’s mobile experience so it feels natural and easy without sacrificing your desktop visitor’s experience in the process.
Do you have payment Plans?
YES! When you order your template kit from Risa, she will help you get on a payment plan with payments charged to your on-file credit card.
How long will the process take?
The answer to this question really depends on how much you know about your niche and how much business development you have completed (logo, Paypal account, mission statement, etc). We have had websites go up in less than 30 days and others have taken 6 or more months while the student explores their business development options. If you want a more detailed answer to this question, grab an website template kit consult with Kim and she will help you determine a better timeline.
How soon should I start my website?
As soon as you have an idea of your niche you can start your website. Even if you’re still exploring your ideal client — which the website design process can help with — you can get a lot of the work done.
I am tech challenged, can I do this?
Kim’s answer: I’m not going to tell you that it won’t be challenging for you, but I will do my best to make sure you get through this with as little frustration as possible — including sitting on Zoom with you as you ask questions or watch me demonstrate just for you. We have had some pretty tech challenged people do just fine with the templates, so I am confident you can do it, too. If you’re still unsure, reach out for a consult with me before you purchase and we’ll discuss your specific situation.
I want to hire someone to do my site, should I still get a template?
You bet! Having a website person is awesome and because Divi and WordPress are so common in the Website devleopment world, you’ll have no trouble finding a designer to help you put your site together. The upside to having the template is that you’ll be able to give them everything they need to be successful right from the get-go — and that will save you money and time — even if they aren’t familiar with the EGCMethod or coaching. Secondly, you will KNOW what is going on because you’ll have the knowledge to direct your project instead of being at the mercy of someone else. Honestly, this is probably one of the most missed points of the Website Kits — they empower you to have the confidence to direct your marketing presence.
I am not a strong writer and/or photographer, is this for me?
This is exactly for you! If you can answer some simple questions about your target client and how you, personally, understand the EGCMethod, you can have your site up and running in no time. The provided “generic” (no horse is really generic, but you know what we mean lol) horse images are plentiful enough to give you all the imagery you need except for a photo of you for your bio page.
Since these are templates, will my site look like everyone elses?
First, your clients are different and your location is unique so the chance that your clients have seen another EGCM site that uses the same template are slim. Secondly, each website developer brings their own unique prespective to their sites. Many template kit grads have sites that look nothing like the beginning templates! The technology we chose to develop these sites with allows you to customize to your heart’s content and express yourself the way YOU want.
When does my year hosting clock start ticking?
We can launch your hosting (your website’s “home” on the server) immediately or we can delay it until you have your content ready to input. The choice is yours. Some website developers like to get right into the tech, others want all their content ready to go before beginning the input part of their project. The Kit program is flexible for this reason.
I'm a graduate, can I still get a Kit?
YES! And you’re welcome in all of the groups and programs as well.
This is great, but what if I just can’t do the technical part of using WordPress?
IF you just can’t get your content input on your website because of frustration or time, we can take your completed workbook and enter the information where it belongs on your chosen template. Cost is $325 for up to 5 hours of data entry.
I just want to get the workbook and get access to the course.
Sure, we can do that, too. The 4 modules, 60 lessons and workbook can be purchased for $695. You buy the email marketing and SEO advanced courses for $295. Buy both for $790 and save $200!

Why you might want to consider using a TBAH Website Kit over hiring a designer.
Building a website is an endeavor and you’ll definitely need help — but when you’re new to a business model AND website development, things can be even more difficult. You don’t know what to say — or how to say it in a way that attracts your ideal client. You may struggle with images, content, targeting, SEO, and more. One of the biggest issues you’ll face is explaining the EGCMethod® to a non-equine non-Gestalt website designer. TBAH Website Kits have all that information built into the online course and the templates themselves making it easy peasy to get your site up and running in a way that attracts your ideal clients. These sites are also designed to grow with your business over time — as you EGCMethod practice grows, your website Kit will grow with you. The framework and foundation you own with this kit is the same one that Melisa’s Touched by a Horse website is built with — the possibities are almost limitless!
BUT I HATE TECHNOLOGY! Okay, we get that! We have solutions to this as well — from done-for-you content input to ongoing maintenance contracts, we’ve got the tech covered. Just ask for details!
Success Stories
I HIGHLY recommend taking your website building journey with Kim! While I had previously built a website on WordPress many years prior for a different endeavor, I really wasn’t sure where to begin with my EGCM biz site. I built a free website on WIX, and was basically happy with it, but it didn’t fit all of my needs and wishes, and was pretty basic and limited. Now, I have a b-e-a-U-tiful website that “makes me” smile every time I log in! Kim made the entire process so do-able with the template program. The value I received was beyond what I expected. Even though she created an entire workbook AND an incredibly complete video course to go with the template kit to help us build self-sufficiently, Kim helped me through the process until I was happy with my end result. It didn’t stop there, though. She continues to be a resource for me and others who have purchased the website template kits. I like to say that Kim is to what marketing and websites as Melisa is to Gestalt!
Fulfill Your Graduation Requirement- 4 Module, 60+ Lesson Website Course
- Website Planning & Implementation Workbook
- Done-For-You technology setup:
- 1 Year of WordPress hosting with SSL
- Choice between two templates developed in Divi Theme.
- Free Yoast plugin.
- WooCommerce TBAH ecommerce store option
- 2 hours technical support and/or consulting with Kim.
- 1000 business cards.
Practice Ready to Thrive & Most Popular Choice- Everything in the Rookie package
- 3 additional template choices
- 1 year basic Constant Contact* ($240 value)
- 500 Contacts
- Welcome email, sign-up form, and 2 regular templates done for you.
- Email Marketing with Constant Contact Course
- Advanced SEO Course
- Up to 6 hours technical support and/or consulting with Kim.
- *Trade in your Constant Contact for Keap Smart Customer Relationship Management software and get FREE Setup and 50% off your first three months of service ($428 value)
Done for You- Fully customized website done for you.
- Assistance writing your content and we’ll enter everything where it needs to go.
- Advanced SEO & Google Dashboard/Analytics setup.
- Done for you Keap Pro with 3 prewritten campaigns, onboarding training, and one year of up to 2500 contacts service.
- 6 months of marketing development consulting (3x monthly sessions).
Which template is right for you?
The Rookie Package is for those seeking to establish a website and fulfill their graduation requriement.
The Futurity Package is for those seeking to actively grow a Touched by a Horse practice.
The Derby Package is for those wanting to take their TBAH Business to the next level or graduate with a full marketing presence already developed.
Access FREE Marketing Training from Kim
If you’re curious about the level of training Kim provides, you can get a taste of her teaching style — and develop a good foundation in marketing knowledge — from the free videos she has provided to the herd. There are 8 videos covering everything from branding basics to email marketing and social media.
You’ll also find the Websites 2021 Trends webinar and a webinar from Melisa on the website kits in this same area!